School is intended for learning and growth. It shouldn’t be a breeding ground for violence. Whilst Australia has a safe education system compared to some countries, school violence remains a concern.

This blog post will explore the issue of school violence in Western Australia, focusing on the critical role of emergency response and student plus staff safety.

We’ll explore the benefits of personal duress and first responder apps, highlighting why they are a valuable tool for protecting staff and students during a crisis.

Alarming Rise of School Violence in Western Australia

Schools in Western Australia are facing a significant rise in violence, creating a dangerous environment for both students and teachers. Here are some key statistics.

Shocking Numbers: Violence Every 45 Minutes

According to the report by the WA teacher’s union, a violent incident occurred in WA public schools every 45 minutes, translating to roughly 11 incidents per day in 2022.

Teacher Safety a Major Concern

The report also highlights a worrying trend. The number of teachers considering leaving the profession due to violence is rising. In fact, a staggering 86% of teachers surveyed said they’d considered leaving in the past four years, with 90% experiencing violent behaviour at least once per term in 2023.

Are Schools Safe? Teachers Say No

These statistics paint a worrying picture. Despite existing government programs, the number of violent incidents seems to be rising. Teachers report feeling increasingly unsafe, with many considering leaving the profession altogether.

The union argues that schools can no longer be automatically considered safe places. This is a significant concern. Therefore, having a reliable system for emergency help and response for school is essential for ensuring the safety of students and staff.

What is School Violence?

School violence can manifest in various ways, including:

  1. Physical assault: This includes hitting, kicking, shoving, and various forms of physical aggression.
  2. Verbal abuse: This involves name-calling, threats, and other forms of hurtful language.
  3. Bullying: This is repeated, aggressive behaviour directed towards a particular student or group of students.
  4. Weapon-related violence: This is thankfully less common but involves the use of weapons such as knives and firearms.

Emergency Help and Response for Schools

Schools in Western Australia have a range of protocols in place to deal with emergencies, including violence. These protocols typically involve:

  1. Evacuation plans: Procedures for safely evacuating students and staff from the building in case of an emergency.
  2. Lockdown procedures: Steps to secure classrooms and other areas in the event of a threat.
  3. Communication plans: Protocols for communicating with emergency services and keeping staff and students informed.

The Role of the Emergency First Responder

Emergency first responders, authorised staff members within the school, play a major role in managing crisis situations. They are responsible for:

  1. Assessing the situation: Determining the nature and severity of the threat.
  2. Initiating emergency procedures: Implementing the school’s evacuation or lockdown plans.
  3. Providing first aid: Assisting injured students and staff.
  4. Securing the scene: Maintaining order and preventing further violence.

Equipping Our Schools for Safety

Emergency responder apps are a valuable addition to a school’s safety toolkit. They empower staff to act swiftly and discreetly during critical situations, saving lives and minimising harm.

By investing in this technology, schools in Western Australia can create a safer learning environment for everyone.

Wihkum: A Powerful Safety Solution

Wihkum is a user-friendly app designed specifically for school safety in Western Australia. It goes beyond traditional panic buttons by offering a range of features.

Table: Addressing Different School Emergencies with Wihkum App

App FeaturesDescription
MedicalAlerts for situations like severe allergic reactions or seizures.
AccidentAlerts for incidents involving fractures, cuts, or head injuries.
Violence or AggressionAlerts for fights, heated arguments, or threatening behaviour.
BehaviourAlerts for disruptive or aggressive student behaviour.
Harassment and AbuseAlerts for bullying, intimidation, or verbal abuse.
Mental HealthAlerts for situations involving staff experiencing stress or burnout.
LockdownAlerts for situations involving intruders or active shooters.
EvacuateAlerts for emergencies requiring evacuation due to fire, structural damage, school shooting or chemical spills.
CustomAbility to create additional custom alert categories specific to your school’s needs.

Why Emergency and First Responder Apps are Safe Choice

Personal duress and first responder apps can be a valuable tool for enhancing emergency response and staff safety in schools. Here’s why:

  1. Discreet Alert Activation: With a simple tap or button press, staff can silently trigger the teacher personal duress alarm without drawing attention to themselves.
  2. School-wide Alerts: The app is set up to discreetly notify designated staff members within the school. Allowing them to initiate lockdown procedures or provide immediate assistance.
  3. Real-time Location Sharing: The app transmits the user’s location in real-time. This enables first responders to locate the incident quickly and initiate a school call for help.
  4. Faster Response Times: The app reduces response times by instantly notifying emergency responders of a crisis. This makes a major difference in containing the situation and minimising harm.
  5. Instant Communication: The app can automatically send pre-recorded messages or live communication, to provide up-to-date details about the situation.
  6. Increased Safety: Knowing they have immediate access to help empower staff to intervene in potentially dangerous situations and evacuate students more confidently.
  7. Data Collection and Reporting: The app can collect valuable data on school violence incidents. This data can be used to identify trends, develop preventative measures, and improve emergency response protocols.

Dangers of Not Having an Emergency App

Schools without an emergency response app will face significant challenges during a crisis situation. These challenges include:

  • Delayed Response Times: Staff will have to rely on traditional and unsafe methods of alerting others. Such as shouting or running for help. This will waste valuable time and draw unnecessary attention.
  • Communication Breakdown: Without a centralised communication system, it is difficult to coordinate the actions of staff and emergency responders.
  • Increased Risk to Student & Staff Safety: Staff may feel hesitant to intervene in a dangerous situation if they don’t have a way to quickly call for help.

Let’s Keep Our Schools Safe: Download Wihkum App Today

School violence is a serious issue. But with the right tools, we can create safer learning environments for everyone.

School Intruder Response apps, like Wihkum, empower staff and provides a discreet way to summon emergency help for school during a crisis. This can save valuable time, improve communication, and ultimately keep students and staff safe.

Don’t wait for a crisis – act now!

Schools – subscribe now so staff can download the free Wihkum app and ensure your school has the best first responder safety solution available. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more.