20 Safety Rules at School for Keeping Students Safe & Secure
Safety is a shared responsibility that begins with awareness and rule adherence. Children spend a large portion of their day in school. So, there should be a proper code of conduct there for the students.
With increasing concerns about violence in schools. Every parent, teacher, and student needs to understand the importance of safety measures. These rules not only protect children from physical harm. But also create a safe, nurturing environment for learning and growth.
At Wihkum, we work for safety in schools & enhance it with our innovative solutions. Teachers and staff can better handle emergencies with our school safe app.
Read on to find out the essential safety rules at school to keep every student safe.
Following are the School Safety Rules Every Student
Schools work tirelessly to create a safe environment for students. However, safety cannot be achieved without the awareness, collaboration, and participation of the students themselves.
Preparing your child with essential safety skills adds an invaluable layer of protection. And help in fostering a culture of vigilance, respect, and security within schools.
Here are some essential safety rules every student should follow.
1. Know Your Emergency Contact Details
Students should memorise their addresses and parents’ phone numbers. They also should keep a written list of emergency contacts in their bags.
In a crisis, having access to these numbers can save valuable time. Making the timely communication with guardians or authorities possible.
2. Stay Within School Premises
Schools have boundaries for a reason. They maintain safety of students within a monitored environment. And leaving those protective boundaries can put students at risk of harm.
Students must always inform staff if they need to leave early. And never leave the premises without permission in any case.
3. Follow School Rules and Staff Instructions
Rules and guidelines help maintain order and protect everyone. Neither the school routine activity nor the emergency protocol is complete without following instructions.
Students should abide by the rules & guidelines in any situation. And follow the instructions of staff, teachers and administration.
4. Be Careful Around Hazardous Objects
The school environment is generally kept safe, with no hazardous objects within students’ reach. But still, some risk is there. E.g. the equipment in labs or sports facilities.
Such sharp tools or heavy equipment should only be used under supervision. Uninformed use should be strictly discouraged as it can lead to severe injuries.
5. Avoid Secluded Areas of the School
Students should always be visible i.e. in the range of surveillance cameras. Emergency can happen at any time. So, they should stay where help is easily accessible.
Remote areas like unused classrooms or back alleys have more risk of accidents. Serious actions should be taken against students bunking in such areas.
6. Stick with the Group of Friends
Staying with friends reduces vulnerability. Especially during field trips or school events. Explain the “buddy rule” to students. As they always should have a buddy at their side.
Groups are less likely to face safety issues and can support each other in unfamiliar or challenging situations.
7. Don’t Run in Hallways and Classrooms
This rule is significant for break timings. When running in enclosed spaces can lead to serious injuries. E.g. accidental falls, collisions, and wounds.
Walking calmly in crowded hallways not only maintains personal safety. But also respects the space of others, especially the little ones.
8. Use Safety Equipment While Playing
Sports and playtime are fun but can also pose risks without proper precautions. Students should not get involved in rigorous sports if proper facilities are not available.
Moreover, protective gear should always be used during physical activities to prevent injuries. E.g. Helmets, knee pads, and gloves.
9. Be Careful Around Strangers
Strangers on school premises or even surrounding areas can pose a potential threat. Students should avoid engaging with unknown individuals unnecessarily.
Even when the interaction is necessary. They should know the red signs to look out for and promptly report to a teacher or staff member.
10. Report Suspicious Behaviour and Safety Concerns
Students should be aware of their surroundings and identify suspicious behaviours. Such as someone acting aggressively or trespassing.
Anything that seems or feels uncomfortable to students should be reported to authorities. As early reporting can prevent potential threats from escalating.
11. Avoid Sharing Food and Drinks with Strangers
While sharing is encouraged among friends. Students should never share food or drinks with unknown individuals.
Teach the students to never accept anything from a stranger. This simple precaution can prevent potential health risks or exposure to harmful substances.
12. Take Care of Your Personal Belongings
Personal items like school bags, devices, and lunchboxes should be kept secure. Teach every student to be responsible for their belongings.
This will help in managing stealing events and develop a sense of responsibility among students. Security risks due to misplaced sensitive items can also be prevented.
13. Respect Personal Boundaries
Security precautions are incomplete without basic human ethics. Students should learn to respect the personal boundaries & rights of everyone around them.
It will promote an environment of safety and comfort in the school. And will prevent the conflicts or misunderstandings caused by physical or verbal intrusions.
14. Follow Proper Hygiene and Health Guidelines
Personal hygiene not only promotes a healthy environment. But also keep everyone around you safe & secure. Teach handwashing & basic health protocols to students.
Make compulsory health guidelines in schools, especially during outbreaks. It will help the whole community in managing contingencies.
15. Know the Emergency Procedures in School
Familiarising themselves with the school’s emergency procedures empowers the students. So, they can respond effectively and help during unfortunate incidents.
Schools should arrange regular drills and practice sessions for emergencies. Like fires, earthquakes and lockdowns.
16. Follow Road Safety Rules
School safety also extends to the routes taken by students to reach there. Whether walking to school, crossing streets, or using the bus, students should be cautious.
They should learn road safety guidelines. E.g. looking both ways before crossing, understanding traffic signs, and adhering to them.
17. Speak Up if Experiencing or Witnessing Bullying
Bullying can cause lasting emotional and physical harm. Students should be encouraged to speak out if they are bullied or witness others being targeted.
Reporting such incidents helps schools intervene effectively. Minor misunderstandings among students should also be reported before they could lead to conflicts.
18. Report Immediately in Case of Emergency
Despite all precautions, emergencies can still happen at any time. Quick and calm reporting is the first step to managing them & getting timely help.
Students must understand the importance of not panicking. They should know the steps to ask for help & inform the nearest teacher or staff member without delay.
19. Share Emotional Concerns with Teachers and Parents
Minor conflicts, suspicious behaviours, or even study burdens can leave a lasting impact on children’s minds. They should have open communication with adults to discuss it.
Sharing physical discomfort or emotional distress can provide timely solutions. And help students be stress-free. Schools also have counsellors for such purposes.
20. Don’t Share Personal Info Online
In the digital age, safety precautions have extended from the physical to the technology world. As intruders are now everywhere.
Students should avoid sharing details on social media platforms. Like their address, phone number, etc. It will safeguard their privacy and security.
A safe school is not just a physical space but a collective commitment to ensuring the well-being of all. These important safety rules at school allow students to grow in a secure environment.
When each student understands and practices the basic safety measures at schools. They can actively contribute to a positive and protective school atmosphere. And an air of peace and calm is created keeping students safe.
Is Your School Equipped to Handle Emergencies?
Enhance Your Safety with the Wihkum School Safe App
The Wihkum app is here to redefine school safety and help you handle emergencies swiftly and efficiently. Its GPS tracking helps in precise location identification. While the geofencing feature establishes clear safety zones.
With setup taking less than two hours. Wihkum seamlessly integrates into any existing safety protocols as a school violence emergency app. And helps the schools to maintain the highest standards of safety.
Invest in the safety of students today with Wihkum.